Logos . Websites . Business Profiles . Design.


About Us

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Logo Designs

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MockUp Designs

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Previous Client Web Designs

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Frequently Asked Q's

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Ⓒ 2024 Designer Gadol. — All rights reserved.

About Us

Welcome to Designer Gadol, where creativity meets innovation and design transcends boundaries & expectations. As the visionary force behind our graphic design endeavors, we take pride in transforming ideas into visually compelling narratives. Allow us to introduce ourselves and share our story with you.

Our Story:

Founded by Gibbs-Jr, Designer Gadol was born from a passion for creating captivating visuals that leave a lasting impact. With a background in artistry, we embarked on a journey to re-define the standards of graphic design.

Our Mission:

At Designer Gadol our mission is to empower businesses and individuals through visually striking design solutions. We believe that every project is an opportunity to push creative boundaries and deliver designs that not only meet but exceed expectations. Our commitment to excellence is the cornerstone of our work.

Our Values:

  • Integrity: Acting honestly and ethically in all business dealings, and maintaining trust with clients, employees, and partners.

  • Customer Focus: Putting the needs and satisfaction of customers first, and striving to exceed their expectations.

  • Quality: Committing to delivering high-quality products or services that meet or exceed industry standards.

  • Innovation: Encouraging creativity and continuous improvement, and embracing new ideas and technologies.

  • Teamwork: Working collaboratively to achieve common goals.

  • Respect: Treating all individuals with dignity and respect, regardless of differences.

  • Accountability: Taking ownership of one's actions and responsibilities, and being transparent in decision-making.

  • Community Engagement: Contributing positively to the community through volunteering, charitable donations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you give discounts when a client asks for bulk designs?

  • Yes we do, although this mainly depends on the type of designs the clients ask for.

Do you give discounts when a client asks for bulk designs?

How long will it take for me to recieve my design/(s)?

  • Depends on the intensity of the design but on average 1-2 working days.

Do you give discounts when a client asks for bulk designs?

Do I have to make a deposit?

  • Only website designs & business profiles require a 20% deposit from client. No work for these particular projects will be done prior.

Do you give discounts when a client asks for bulk designs?

Images may be subject to Copyright.

View more designs on our socials.

Logo Pricing

PackagePrice (est)
Logo only.R249
Logo + color schemes (black & white only).R299
Logo + color schemes (any colour) + transparent background.R399
Logo + color schemes (any colour) + transparent background + mock up photos.R499

Design Pricing

PackagePrice (est)
Flyer Design.R249
Clothing Design.R299
Social Media Design.R399
Corporate Design.R599
Business Profile.R799
Form Web Build & Design.R999
Profile Web Build & Design.R1199
Landing Page Web Build & Design.R1499 - R2999

View more designs on our socials.

Images may be subject to Copyright.

View more designs on our socials.

Clean House

Work Done:

  • Logo + Mock Ups + Website

Asaph Estate Group

Work Done:

  • Logo + Business Pro + Website

Mai Chicken

Work Done:

  • Logo + Website + Flyer

Kadesh Fittings

Work Done:

  • Website


Work Done:

  • Website